Basic Information
Henlo fren 👋
Do you like breathing clean air?
Oh, Ok.
^have you ever had that conversation before?
No. Why not? Because that would be a dumb conversation to HAVE. Why would anyone waste their time having a stupid conversation like that? The answer is that they wouldn’t. Because it’s BASIC INFORMATION THAT EVERYBODY HAS KNOWN SINCE YOUR MOM READ YOU DR SEUSS AS YOU FELL ASLEEP WHEN YOU WERE A TODLER BREATHING HEALTHY HEALTHY CLEAN AIR YOU SPOILED AMERICAN BRAT. look at all this beautiful clean air we have all around us!! That everyone gets to breath!! For free!! Omg so great right??
Hi there,
Every once in a while I hop on the internet and type out a political rant.
How often do I do this? Every once in a while.
Why do I only do this every once in a while? Because I only do it when I know that I am ABSOLUTELY CORRECT AND NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY ARGUE WITH ME.
Would you like to breath air like they did before our government enacted environmental regulations that stopped FACTORIES FROM POLLUTING THE AIR??
No.. ya don’t.. cus people lived less long. it would also be idiotic for your answer to be yes to that question.
It’s not patriotic to pollute the air.
There are people in charge of the country who are standing up proudly and saying: I would like my fellow American citizens to breath LESS CLEAN AIR. Oh, and all their children, they can breath less clean air too..
You know why their old asses are able to stand in congress and make these bad decision for us?? Because they grew up breathing delicious clean air so they could live long and healthy lives, and now they are taking that away from us. From you and me, Americans, who have a basic right to breath clean air.
“Ohhhh but, you’re a libtard who doesn’t care about the economy and are a very privelaged person...”
Yep. And you know who benefits from deregulating environmental regulation? Not you. Not me. Rich factory owners and corporations. That’s who!
“Ohhh, but, this will bring blue collar jobs back to America!”
...uh no it won’t. Want to know why not? Because you know who works in factories now?? FIVE PEOPLE, that’s who.. and do you know what those FIVE PEOPLE do?? They make sure that the ROBOTS that DO ALL THE WORK IN THE FACTORY don’t break down. So when a factory starts saving money now because it doesn’t have to FILTER THE WASTE PRODUCTS IT CREATES where do those savings wind up?? .. revenue, shareholders and CEOs baby!! (Maybe a couple dollars in the paychecks of the people that know how to FIX ROBOTS FOR A LIVING)
Yeah so in closing this is not actually a political post because there should not be any sort of political debate in this country about whether or not there should be clean air. Enjoy going back to caring about whether Donald Trump tweeted something mean at a celebrity.
The link that I’m posting below does not come from any fake news media outlet. It is actually factual information that our government has made readily available for us.