A Theory on Life after Death

I’ve fallen off the edge of a cliff and am now plummeting towards the ground, faster and faster. What happens at the moment that I land?

..I wake up. 

This is something that it seems everyone has experienced: you’re dreaming, the dream goes south, and at that point in the dream when you would die, or just before that moment, you wake up.

Eaten by a monster? -just before the big crunch you’re back in your bed. 

Crushed by a tidal wave? -as it hits you, you sit up wide awake. 

Someone pulls out a gun, points it at your head, and right before you would’ve heard the shot, you’re already outside of the dream, because the occurrence of your death in the dream has jolted you back to reality. 


..so why shouldn’t the same thing be true for us, when we die in reality?

If there is anything for us to experience after we die, wouldn’t there be some poetic justice in our waking up to this new reality, as if we had died in a dream?

It would certainly be a jarring transition to move from our reality which we have known our entire lives to another state of experiencing things. However, perhaps our familiarity with having been woken up by death in our dreams, is meant to prepare us, in some small way, for this eventuality. 




Contact: wickleweedproductions@gmail.com